the perfect stone of imperfection the golden bat of success the many twigged branch of meaning the repaired pitcher of self doubt the unchewed rawhide ball of purpose the empty banana peel of imagination the clustered shells of unknown pleasures the blue bottle of responsibility the three-legged cat of anticipation the perfect sphere of squareness the lead sheet of transcendence the used toothpick of despair the solid cube of reality the simple grid of reason the single domino of effect the wax boat of desire the broken measure of equivalence the yellow ball of simple joy the single shell of subtlety the old bones of unfortunate decisions the polished glass of complexity the dull copper block of patience the two cats whiskers of ease the small feather of importance the broken mirror of opinion the short stunted stick of fear the coal chunk of lingering doubt the empty glass of grief the multiple balls of harmless fun the murky crystal of past experience the broken arrow of human folly the smashed coins of intemperance the reflective ball of greed the dried flowers of quiet resignation the small spring of trust the six-legged starfish of wonder the pristine knife of repression the glass egg of wishful thinking the thorny stick of knowledge the used shuttlecock of remembrance the nature of mathematics the wishbone of happy longing the sharpened pencil of decisiveness the cattail of solemnity the wax fist of honest effort the curved lens of casual deceit the frayed knot of wanton inattention the palm frond of less the red & white bobber of sudden insight the worn hammer of now the aluminum cube of future ideas the short log of belief the styrofoam block of half-remembered dreams the hollow gourd of forgetting the precise measure of indeterminate value the 2nd dimension of 3 dimensional objects the dried pomegranate of regret the key ring of insignificance the tree fungus of the forgotten past the fragile web of desperation